The ANTv2

The original ANT (0x960b236A07cf122663c4303350609A66A7B288C0), now known affectionately as "ANTv1" (or sometimes as "ANT (old)") has been deprecated in favour of ANTv2 (0xa117000000f279D81A1D3cc75430fAA017FA5A2e, now "ANT").

Future governance decisions related to the Aragon Network will use ANTv2. If you directly hold ANTv1, the easiest method of upgrading your ANTv1 is to use the Upgrade Portal.

You can read more about the ANTv1 upgrade to ANTv2 here 🦅.

Upgrade paths

As long as you hold some ANTv1, you will be able to upgrade it 1:1 to an equivalent ANTv2 balance. Depending on where your ANTv1 is held, you may have different options for upgrading to ANTv2.

In general, if you are able to use the Upgrade Portal, it is recommended, as it is the easiest method of upgrading. A user guide for the Upgrade Portal is available.

If you prefer raw contract interactions, need to encode one due to a smart wallet, or want to get into the details, you may find the contract interaction page helpful.


ANTv1 held directly in a non-contract wallet that can connect to dapps (e.g. web wallets, some mobile wallets, most hardware wallets through browser extensions) should find the Upgrade Portal most convenient.

For the list of the wallets supported on the Portal, go to the conversion portal here:

  • click the connect wallet button

all the available wallets will be shown on the page.

If you would prefer to send a raw transaction or use the Etherscan interface, please see the contract interaction page.

Your wallet may not immediately detect your upgraded ANTv2 balance. In this case, you need to add the token address (0xa117000000f279D81A1D3cc75430fAA017FA5A2e) to your wallet. If you are using a Metamask wallet, you can follow this guide to add custom tokens.

If you are using another wallet, you should be able to find the documentation on how to add custom tokens to your wallet's interface.

"Smart" / contract wallet

Depending on the type of contract wallet being used, you may or may not be able to use the Upgrade Portal directly.

Assuming your contract wallet can send outward transactions (i.e. interact with other Ethereum smart contracts like Uniswap through arbitrary calls), you will be able to upgrade your ANTv1 without transferring it out of this wallet.

If you cannot connect this wallet to dapps, (for example some multisig wallets) you may be forced to send a raw transaction. Please see the contract interaction page.

Aragon DAO

The available upgrade paths for ANTv1 held in Aragon DAO is depend on whether the DAO has the Agent app installed or not.

For those latter options, please understand the contract interaction page, and use the act command with the appropriate arguments for an approveAndCall() interaction.

If the DAO does not have the Agent app installed, your options for upgrading the ANTv1 become limited to:

  • Either transferring the ANTv1 out to a wallet that can directly interact with the Upgrade Portal or contracts

  • Deploying an EscrowANTv2Migrator contract parameterized to your DAO's Vault (or other asset-holding app), transferring the ANTv1 to that new contract, and then finally calling the migrate() function.

On-chain exchange

No automatic migration of on-chain liquidity is currently available. If you have provided ANT as on-chain liquidity, please withdraw your ANT and migrate through the other options listed here.

You may find the information about migrating on-chain liquidity to be useful, especially if you are interested in re-providing ANTv2 as on-chain liquidity.

Off-chain ("centralized") exchange

Most exchanges and related service providers have been notified of the upgrade and are committed to completing the migration as quickly as possible for their customers. Please check with your service provider on their upgrade schedule separately.

A mostly-up-to-date list of supporting exchanges can be found on this page.


ANT still represents the same underlying asset: a governance token for the Aragon Network.

ANTv2, as the latest version of the token and the one used for Aragon Network governance, currently carries the official "ANT" ticker. User interfaces across services and dapps are being updated to reflect this.

You may identify if an interface lists ANTv2 as "ANT" if it uses the new token icon ("white eagle" rather than ANTv1's "blue eagle"), or by double checking its token address to be 0xa117000000f279D81A1D3cc75430fAA017FA5A2e

ANTv1 should now appear as "ANTv1" or "ANT (old)". Its name was updated to "Aragon Network Token v1", but associated with the same logo as before ("blue eagle").

Last updated

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