
DataView is a component that can adapt to several different ways of representing and selecting data, switching from a table layout to a list layout depending on the available space.


  fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
    { account: addr(), amount: '-7.900,33 ANT' },
    { account: addr(), amount: '-8.760,90 ANT' },
    { account: addr(), amount: '+5.321 ANT' },
  renderEntry={({ account, amount }) => {
    return [<IdentityBadge entity={account} />, <Amount>{amount}</Amount>]



The different fields of data, displayed in the column headers in table mode.

<DataView fields={['Account', 'Amount']} />

An object form exists, allowing to set additional settings:

    // `priority` allows to change the fields
    // order when DataView is in list mode.
    { label: 'Account', priority: 1 },
    { label: 'Amount', priority: 2 },


The content displayed for the field.


List mode only. Set this to any number to set the field priority.


Table mode only. Forces the table header to be aligned on a specific side: end or start.


Table mode only. Set this to true on the field you want the expansion rows to be aligned. See renderEntryExpansion() for more details.


The actual data entries. An array of any kind of data structure. Every value set in this array will be passed to renderEntry.

Important: entries should always be cached, for example by using useMemo(), rather than being passed inline. That way, DataView will know that your entries haven’t changed, and won’t do unnecessary renders or reset the pagination state.

Example with an array of objects:

  fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
    { account: addr(), amount: '-7.900,33 ANT' },
    { account: addr(), amount: '-8.760,90 ANT' },
    { account: addr(), amount: '+5.321 ANT' },
  renderEntry={({ account, amount }) => {
    return [<IdentityBadge entity={account} />, <Amount>{amount}</Amount>]

An array of arrays:

  fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
    [addr(), '-7.900,33 ANT'],
    [addr(), '-8.760,90 ANT'],
    [addr(), '+5.321 ANT'],
  renderEntry={([account, amount]) => {
    return [<IdentityBadge entity={account} />, <Amount>{amount}</Amount>]

Or anything else, like a string:

  fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
    `${addr()} | -7.900,33 ANT`,
    `${addr()} | -8.760,90 ANT`,
    `${addr()} | +5.321 ANT`,
  renderEntry={entry => {
    const [account, amount] = entry.split(' | ')
    return [<IdentityBadge entity={account} />, <Amount>{amount}</Amount>]


Set this to add a header inside the DataView surface.


Set this to force the display mode of DataView.


Index of the current page. When not provided, DataView will manage the pagination itself.


Gets called when a page change is requested. Use with page to manage the pagination in a controlled way.


Number of items per page. Set to -1 to display the items without pagination.


A list of selected items, using their indexes. When not provided, DataView will manage the selection itself. See also onSelectEntries().

onSelectEntries(entries, indexes)

Gets called when the entries selection changes. If not set, the checkboxes won’t be displayed. Use with selection to manage the selection in a controlled way.

Note: only one of onSelectEntries and renderEntryExpansion can be set at a time.

renderEntry(entry, index, { selected, mode })

Renders an entry by returning an array of nodes with items corresponding to every field.

Note: hooks in render props

Hooks won’t work in one of the render prefixed methods. The reason is that these are not components, but functions called conditionally from DataView.

This is not possible:

  fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
    [addr(), '-7.900,33 ANT'],
    [addr(), '-8.760,90 ANT'],
    [addr(), '+5.321 ANT'],
    [addr(), '-328,65 ANT'],
    [addr(), '+3.321 ANT'],
    [addr(), '-328,65 ANT'],
  renderEntry={({ account, amount }) => {
    const { accountConnected } = useAragonApi()
    return [
        <IdentityBadge entity={account} />
        {accountConnected === account && <span>You</span>}

But hooks can be used in components, so we can create one:

function Account({ address }) {
  const { accountConnected } = useAragonApi()
  return (
      <IdentityBadge entity={address} />
      {accountConnected === address && <span>You</span>}

function App() {
  return (
      fields={['Account', 'Amount']}
        [addr(), '-7.900,33 ANT'],
        [addr(), '-8.760,90 ANT'],
        [addr(), '+5.321 ANT'],
        [addr(), '-328,65 ANT'],
        [addr(), '+3.321 ANT'],
        [addr(), '-328,65 ANT'],
      renderEntry={([address, amount]) => {
        return [<Account address={account} />, <Amount>{amount}</Amount>]

renderEntryActions(entry, index, { selected, mode })

Renders the actions of an entry, usually as a ContextMenu.

renderEntryExpansion(entry, index, { selected, mode })

Make it possible for the user to expand a given entry, and reveal more content related to it. This content can be a series of rows that will adhere to the table layout or a custom React tree.

It should return one of these:

  • A non empty array, to be displayed as individual rows.

  • A React node, to remove any specific layout constraint.

  • null or an empty array, to make the entry not expandable.

When a non-empty array is returned, each of its entries will be displayed as a row, whose height is determined by the value of tableRowHeight − even in list view mode. The alignment of these rows can also start from a specific column in table mode: see field.childStart.

When a React node is returned, there are no layout constraints anymore and the expansion's height depends on the returned content.

Note: only one of onSelectEntries and renderEntryExpansion can be set at a time.


Renders the label used to indicate the current selection. If not provided, “X items selected” will be displayed.


The height of a row, in px.


Can be default, loading, empty-filters and empty-search. The correct illustration and text styles are used depending on the status.


Use this prop to customize the empty state of DataView. The type of empty state currently active is determined by the status prop.

This prop accepts two types: a configuration object or a function.

Configuration object

The object can define one of the possible values of status as keys, and an object.

This object can contain the following values:

  • title, subtitle and illustration are React nodes that can override any of these parts. Set to null to disable.

  • displayLoader is a boolean that can be used to display a loader before the title.

  • clearLabel is the content of the clearing link, and can contain any React node. Set to null to disable. See also onStatusEmptyClear.

Any undefined status, or undefined key on that object will use the default. null can be passed to disable a specific part of the empty state.

The default values are the following:

    default: {
      displayLoader: false,
      title: 'No data available.',
      subtitle: null,
      illustration: <img src="empty-state-illustration-blue.png" alt="" />,
      clearLabel: null,
    loading: {
      displayLoader: true,
      title: 'No data available.',
      subtitle: null,
      illustration: <img src="empty-state-illustration-blue.png" alt="" />,
      clearLabel: null,
    'empty-filters': {
      displayLoader: false,
      title: 'No results found.',
      subtitle: 'We can’t find any item matching your filter selection.',
      illustration: <img src="empty-state-illustration-red.png" alt="" />,
      clearLabel: 'Clear filters',
    'empty-search': {
      displayLoader: false,
      title: 'No results found.',
      subtitle: 'We can’t find any item matching your search query.',
      illustration: <img src="empty-state-illustration-red.png" alt="" />,
      clearLabel: 'Clear filters',

Function mode

The function allows to completely override the empty state content. It takes the current status as a unique parameter, and is expected to return a React node, or null to let DataView display the default.

Use it this way:

  emptyState={status => {
    if (status === 'loading') {
      return <div>Loading!</div>

    // Use the default for other `status` values.
    return null


Called when one of the default clearing links gets clicked. This is happening in empty-filters or empty-search by default, or if a custom status has a non-empty clearLabel.


If you want to customize the default status content.

Note: this prop is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use emptyState instead.


If you want to customize the loading status content.

Note: this prop is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use emptyState instead.


If you want to customize the empty-filters status content.

Note: this prop is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use emptyState instead.


If you want to customize the empty-search status content.

Note: this prop is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use emptyState instead.

Last updated