Deploying Aragon Client in new Chains


This guide will run you through how to deploy Aragon to other EVM compatible chains.

This deployment is self-sufficient and does not pose a requirement on other contracts already deployed to the target chain.

Before you begin, make sure that there are no official deployments to the network you will be targeting.

Official Aragon Client deployments

Network Name
ENS Registry

Ethereum Mainnet



Ethereum Rinkeby



Ethereum Ropsten



Polygon Mumbai



Polygon Mainnet



Harmony Testnet





Trusted Partner




BSC Testnet



Good Manners

  1. Please verify all contracts that you have deployed with the target network scanner unless they are automatically verified.

  2. Notify the Aragon team about your plans to deploy to the target network.

  3. Keep the team in close loops about the issues you encounter as well as any ambiguity during the process.

  4. Do not change the smart contract code.

  5. Any automation and new scripts are welcome. Create a PR for the respective Github repository.


Before you start

  1. We will use notation <target network> to represent the network we are deploying to. It should be consistent throughout this tutorial.

  2. Make sure that you use one account thought the tutorial. You will need Private key and some network tokens to pay for gas.

Step 1

Description: Provide an account that will be used to deploy contracts as well as rpc connection to the target network.

This account will be the owner of the deployed Aragon infrastructure. To be considered an official deployment we will need to transfer all permissions from this account to an official Aragon account.

  • To provide access to an account using a Private Key:

    1. Create a file nano ~/.aragon/<target network>_key.json

    2. Add the following inside the file

      "rpc": "<RPC url for your target network, for example "<>" for Polygon>",
      "keys": ["Your Private Key"]
  • To provide access to an account using a Seed Phrase:

    1. Create a file nano ~/.aragon/mnemonic.json

    2. Add the following inside the file

      "rpc": "<RPC url for your target network, for example "<>" for Polygon>",
    "mnemonic": "your mnemonic phrase..."

Step 2

Description: Deploy AragonOS, which contains all main contracts, to the target network. This will allow creating new DAOs as well as publish apps to APM.

  1. Clone AragonOS repository

  2. Checkout to master branch instead of default next branch.

    The master branch contains AragonOS v4.4.0 latest stable version. Whereas the next has more features, but we don’t want a disputable feature for now.

  3. Run yarn

  4. Run yarn add @aragon/truffle-config-v4

  5. Update node_modules/@aragon/truffle-config-v4/truffle-config.js with the new network information


    mumbai: {network_id: 80001,provider: providerForNetwork('mumbai'),gas: 6.9e6}
  6. Run yarn compile

  7. Deploy ENS to the target network

    In case the network does not have an official ENS registry, one should deploy it themselves using provided ENSFactory.

    If there is an official ENS deployment, you can use it or deploy a new ENS. If you decide on using an official ENS, make sure to purchase the aragonpm.eth domain with the key provided in step 1.

    Run the command below in AragonOS repo, substituting placeholder values:

    OWNER=<Your Public Key> npx truffle exec --network <target network> scripts/deploy-test-ens.js
  8. Deploy DaoFactory

    DAO factory will already include other contracts that are necessary for the contract deployment. It is a very large contract, and we are aware that some networks do not offer enough gas per block to deploying it.

    You might encounter RPC failing due to making too many calls in a short period of time. As a solution split the deployment script into several subparts or use a more reliable RPC in step 1.

    Run the command below in AragonOS repo, substituting placeholder values:

    OWNER=<Your Public Key> npx truffle exec --network <target network> scripts/deploy-daofactory.js
  9. Deploy APM (Aragon Package Manager) to the target network

    You should be able to deploy APM in its own repository. However, currently, it does not work due to an unknown issue. If you could fix it, it would be greatly appreciated and you will get rewarded!

    As a workaround, you should deploy the APM in the AragonOS repository.

    Run the command below in AragonOS repo, substituting placeholder values:

    OWNER=<Your Public Key> ENS=<ENS Registry address from step>  DAO_FACTORY=<DAO Factory address from step 2> npx truffle exec --network <target network> scripts/deploy-apm.js

Step 3

Description: Deploy AragonID.

  1. Clone the repo master branch.

  2. Run yarn to install packages

  3. Setup truffle-config on node_modules/@aragon/truffle-config-v4/truffle-config.js as previous step

  4. Update the truffle.js to point to the right truffle-config. Basically replace its contents with

    module.exports = require("@aragon/truffle-config-v4")
  5. run yarn compile to build the contracts

  6. Run the following script:

    OWNER=<Your public key> ENS=<ENS Registry address from step> npx truffle exec --network <target network> scripts/deploy-beta-aragonid.js

Step 4

Description: Deploy standard Aragon Apps to the AragonPM.

  1. Clone Aragon Apps repository

  2. Provide your Private Key

    Create .env file in the root directory of the Aragon Apps repository with the following content:

    ETH_KEYS=0x<Your Private Key>
  3. Update node_modules/@aragon/hardhat-config/hardhat.config.js with the new network information. Ex:

    mumbai: providerForNetwork('mumbai')
  4. Deploy an app

    Repeat this for each app inside the \\apps directory. We will use the Finance app here as an example.

    IMPORTANT: Do not try to deploy voting-disputable and agreement apps they require Aragon Court instance present on the target network.

    1. Navigate to the apps directory (\\apps\\finance)

    2. Change arapp.json

      In the environment part add information about your target network.

      For the registry variable specify ENS address that we have obtained in step 2.

          "<target netwrok>": {
            "registry": "<ENS Registry address>", 
            "appName": "finance.aragonpm.eth", // app name
            "network": "<target network>"
    3. Run yarn

    4. Run yarn compile to generate contracts

    5. Run yarn build to build the UI App part

    6. Start a local version of IPFS with ipfs daemon

      If you don't have IPFS installed, check here how to install it

    7. Publish the App to APM

      npx hardhat publish major --network mumbai --ipfs-api-url <http://localhost:5001>
    8. Download the files that were uploaded to IPFS with ipfs get <CID>. The CID is available from previous step

    9. Compress the folders that were downloaded and send to so they can be pinned.

Step 5

Description: Deploy standard DAO Templates to the AragonPM.

  1. Clone DAO Templates repository

  2. Provide your Private Key

    Create .env file in the root directory of the Aragon Apps repository with the following content:

    ETH_KEYS=0x<Your Private Key>
  3. Go to /shared directory and run yarn and then yarn link

    If you have problems with node version on installing dependencies, add --ignore-engines to the command

  4. Deploy a template

    Repeat this for each template inside the /templates directory. We will use the Company template here as an example.

    IMPORTANT: Please only try to deploy company, reputation and membership templates, as other templates do not contain all required components.

    1. Navigate to the templates directory (/templates/company)

    2. Run yarn link @aragon/templates-shared

    3. Run yarn to install dependencies

    4. setup truffle-config on node_modules/@aragon/truffle-config-v4/truffle-config.js as previous step

    5. Change arapp.json

      In the environment part add information about your target network.

      For the registry variable specify ENS address that we have obtained in step 2.

         "<target network>": {
            "registry": "<ENS Registry address>", 
            "appName": "finance.aragonpm.eth", // app name
            "network": "<target network>",
      	    "wsRPC": "<RPC url for your target network, for example wss:// for Polygon>"
    6. switch to node 10

    7. Run yarn compile

    8. switch to node 12

    9. Change package.json

      Add a new script below to the scripts section.

      Please note that if you are using the official ENS, then you should also acquire the aragonid.eth domain for the step below to work.

      "deploy:<target network>": "truffle exec ./scripts/deploy.js --network <target network> --ens <ENS Registry address from step 2> --dao-factory <DAO Factory address from step 2>"
    10. Run yarn deploy:<target network> to deploy the Template

      This should deploy additionally AragonId and MiniMe Token Factory. Copy the MiniMe Token Factory address and when deploying the next template add it to the script in step 7:

      "deploy:<target network>": "truffle exec ./scripts/deploy.js --network <target network> --ens <ENS Registry address from step 2> --dao-factory <DAO Factory address from step 2> --mini-me-factory <MiniMe Factory address that we have just deployed>"
    11. Start a local version of IPFS with ipfs daemon

      If you don't have IPFS installed, check here how to install it

    12. Publish the Template to APM

      npx hardhat compile && npx hardhat publish major --contract <Template contract that we got in previous step> --network <target network> --ipfs-api-url <http://localhost:5001/>

Last updated

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