Import your private key into Metamask

In this section, we'll go through how to import the private key of an account into the Metamask wallet.

Log in to your Metamask wallet

The first step is to open up the Metamask browser extension and log in. If you're using Chrome you should be able to open Metamask by clicking on the fox icon located to the right of your address bar (see the image below).

If you can't see it, click here. This will open up an interface to your Ethereum wallet.

Since we will import a new private key, for a security reason, save the seed phrase of your current Metamask account by going to: Settings > Securty & Privacy > Reveal Secret Recovery Phrase.

Click on the circle in the top right

You should see a black drop-down menu appear (see image below):

Click on the Import Account button

Click the Import Account button and a window like this will appear.

Enter the private key in the proposed field and click Import.

The private key that you are importing is provided in the console by the Aragon client.

If you are running the Aragon Client, enter the path and type:

cd "name of DAO" yarn start"

In our example, we have imported:

Account 0

private key 0xa8a54b2d8197bc0b19bb8a084031be71835580a01e70a45a13babd16c9bc1563

public key 0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7

The imported account will appear in the My account list when clicking on the top right circle.

You've now connected Metamask to your first-dao.

Last updated