
A circular graph component.


import { CircleGraph } from '@aragon/ui'

const App = () => <CircleGraph value={1 / 3} />




The color representing the active part in the circle. When a function is passed, it takes the interpolated value as a unique parameter, and is expected to return a color. Avoid doing anything slow in this function as it gets called 60 times per second.


If a React node is passed, it gets rendered directly.

If a function is passed, it gets called to generate the label displayed on the graph. It takes two parameters: the animated value and the static value. The animated value should be enough in most cases, but the second parameter can be helpful in certain cases. This function should return an object containing the following nodes:

  • value: the main number (defaults to Math.round(value * 100)).

  • suffix: the suffix to display (defaults to %).

  • prefix: the optional prefix to display (defaults to < when value is below 1).

  • secondary: a secondary label to display below the main one.

Avoid doing anything slow in this function as it gets called 60 times per second.


<CircleGraph label={value => Math.round(value)} />


The size (width and height) of the graph.


Width of the circle stroke, in px.


The value represented by the graph, between 0 and 1.

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