Creating a Vodconi organization
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In this section, you will learn how to create an Organization using Aragon Vocdoni.
Go to or alternately to Click on Try for Free.
Fill in all the requested fields on the Entity name page. Here you can define your entity/organization details.
Name of the entity: name of your entity/organization.
Contact Email: the email address that members of your entity/organization can use to contact you.
Type of Organization: you can choose the type of organization listed on the drop-down menu.
Entity size: you can choose the entity size listed on the drop-down menu.
Entity description: insert a brief description of the entity, it will be displayed on the public entity page.
Entity logo: enter the URL of the file or upload a file of your logo (the format of the logo must be a .jpg, .jpeg, or .png file - 2mb max).
Entity header: enter the URL of the file or upload a file of your header (the format of the logo must be a .jpg, .jpeg, or .png file - 2MB max).
Personal Data Protection Information: accept “Personal Data Protection Information” and (optional) express consent for commercial, and service management.
Choose a secure password for your entity/organization and fill in the Password field and the Repeat Password field. The password must have 8 characters or more, with at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase.
Check the box about the acknowledgement of the password loss.
Decentralized accounts cannot be recovered by an external agent. If you lose your password, you will not be able to access your account in the future. Save the password in a secure place.
After clicking the Continue button on the Credentials page, the creation process will start. Wait until the creation process is completed.
If you see this page, your Vocdoni Organization was successfully created and you can start using it.