Govern Server is exposing a GraphQL API that lets you fetch data related to your Govern DAOs. Here is the complete list of queries and types that are available.


dao(name: String!): Dao

Use this query to get a single DAO, using its name. See the Dao type to know more information.

daos: [Dao]

Use this query to get the list of DAOs.



Represents the DAO registry. It contains entries, which have a name and contain a queue and an executor. A DAO is identified by its name.

type GovernRegistry {
  id: ID!
  address: String!
  count: Int!
  entries: [RegistryEntry!]!


A single registry entry. It has a name, a queue and an executor. A DAO is identified by its name.

type RegistryEntry {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  queue: GovernQueue!
  executor: Dao!


A single DAO entry.

type Dao {
  id: ID!
  address: String!
  metadata: String
  registryEntries: [RegistryEntry!]!
  containers: [Container]!
  roles: [Role!]!
  queues: [GovernQueue]!


Represents a queue of scheduled actions (Container) and a configuration.

type GovernQueue {
  id: ID!
  address: String!
  config: Config!
  registryEntries: [RegistryEntry!]!
  queued: [Container!]!
  roles: [Role!]!


The configuration of a GovernQueue.

type Config {
graph  id: ID!
  queue: GovernQueue!
  executionDelay: String!
  scheduleDeposit: Collateral!
  challengeDeposit: Collateral!
  resolver: String!
  rules: String!


A Container represents an action being scheduled for execution, inside a GovernQueue. It also contains the configuration at the time it was scheduled, and a history of past events.

type Container {
  id: ID!
  queue: GovernQueue!
  state: ContainerState!
  config: Config!
  payload: ContainerPayload!
  history: [ContainerEvent!]!


The different states of a Container.

enum ContainerState {


A list of actual actions attached to a Container.

type ContainerPayload {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  nonce: String!
  executionTime: String!
  submitter: String!
  executor: Dao!
  actions: [Action!]!
  allowFailuresMap: String!
  proof: String!


Represents an independent action (transaction data) in a ContainerPayload.

type Action {
  id: ID!
  payload: ContainerPayload!
  to: String!
  value: String!
  data: String!


Represents a collateral that gets attached to a Container when scheduling it and challenging it.

Scenario 1:

  • Bob submits an action to be executed, with a collateral attached to it.

  • The action passes and doesn’t get challenged.

  • The action gets executed and Bob receives its collateral back.

Scenario 2:

  • Bob submits an action to be executed, with a collateral attached to it.

  • The action passes but gets challenged by Alice, with a collateral attached.

  • The arbitrator approves the action. Bob Receives both collaterals.

Scenario 3:

  • Bob submits an action to be executed, with a collateral attached to it.

  • The action passes but gets challenged by Alice, with a collateral attached.

  • The arbitrator rejects the action. Alice Receives both collaterals.

type Collateral {
  id: ID!
  token: String!
  amount: String!


The roles defined on a given GovernQueue.

type Role {
  id: ID!
  entity: String!
  selector: String!
  who: String!
  granted: Boolean!
  frozen: Boolean!


A Container event representing an action being challenged.

type ContainerEventChallenge {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  actor: String!
  collateral: Collateral!
  disputeId: String!
  reason: String!
  resolver: String!


A Container event representing an action being executed.

type ContainerEventExecute {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  execResults: [String!]!


A Container event representing an action being resolved.

type ContainerEventResolve {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  approved: Boolean!


A Container event representing an action being ruled.

type ContainerEventRule {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  ruling: String!


A Container event representing an action being scheduled.

type ContainerEventSchedule {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  collateral: Collateral!


A Container event representing an evidence being submitted.

type ContainerEventSubmitEvidence {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  evidence: String!
  submitter: String!
  finished: Boolean!


A Container event representing an action being vetoed by the arbitrator.

type ContainerEventVeto {
  id: ID!
  container: Container!
  createdAt: String!
  reason: String!

Last updated