Global configuration

The arapp.json file contains metadata for your app, and the manifest.json defines end-user specific configurations.

The arapp.json file

The arapp.json file contains metadata for your app. These are the fields which need to be present:

  • roles: An array of all the roles that your app has. Each role has the following properties:

    • id: The identifier of the role as it is defined in the contract.

    • name: A description of the role in the app.

    • params: The names of any parameters for the role.

  • environments: An object containing deploy environment configurations.

    • env_name: An object containing the configuration for a specific environment. env_name can be any name you choose.

      • appName: The ENS name of your app where the aragonPM repo can be located.

      • network: The network to use for this environment.

      • wsRPC: (optional) If present is used by aragon.js as its data provider.

      • registry: (optional) The address of the ENS registry for this environment. Defaults to the default ENS registry for this network.

      • apm: An object containing apm options.

        • ipfs

          • gateway: An URI to the IPFS Gateway to read files from. Defaults to http://localhost:8080/ipfs.

          • rpc: An URI to the IPFS node used to publish files. Defaults to http://localhost:5001#default.

  • path: The path to the main contract in your app.

  • links: (optional) Array of links. Each object in that array should have name and address attributes. Used to links any linkable contracts into the deploying contract bytecode.


This is the arapp.json of the app build in the tutorial configure with default environments:

  "roles": [
      "id": "INCREMENT_ROLE",
      "name": "Increment the counter",
      "params": []
      "id": "DECREMENT_ROLE",
      "name": "Decrement the counter",
      "params": []
  "environments": {
    "aragon:local": {
      "network": "localhost",
      "appName": "foo.aragonpm.eth"
    "aragon:rinkeby": {
      "apm": {
        "ipfs": {
          "gateway": ""
      "registry": "0x98df287b6c145399aaa709692c8d308357bc085d",
      "appName": "",
      "wsRPC": "wss://",
      "network": "rinkeby"
    "aragon:staging": {
      "apm": {
        "ipfs": {
          "gateway": ""
      "registry": "0xfe03625ea880a8cba336f9b5ad6e15b0a3b5a939",
      "appName": "",
      "wsRPC": "wss://",
      "network": "rinkeby"
    "aragon:mainnet": {
      "apm": {
        "ipfs": {
          "gateway": ""
      "registry": "0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b",
      "appName": "foo.aragonpm.eth",
      "wsRPC": "wss://",
      "network": "mainnet"
  "path": "contracts/CounterApp.sol",
  "links": [
      "name": "CounterExtension",
      "address": "0x82606d5d2dB55Ac1D36a011dbbA769c729349f56"

How to use environments

If you want to learn how use environments in practice check the guides to learn how to publish in diferent environments.

The manifest.json file

The manifest.json defines end-user specific configurations:

  • name: Human-readable name of your app.

  • author: (optional) Author of the app.

  • description: Small description of the app.

  • detail_url: (optional) Path to markdown file with details of the app.

  • source_url: (optional) Link to the source code of the app.

  • icons: (optional) An array of all the icons that your app has. Each icon has the following properties:

    • src: Path to the icon's image.

    • sizes: Size of the icon.

  • screenshots: (optional) An array of all the screenshots that your app has. Each screenshot has the following properties:

    • src: Path to the screenshot's image.

  • script: (optional) Background script path.

  • start_url: Path to the starting URL.

Last updated